15 Min At Home Functional Workout (No Weights)! Follow Along With Trainer
A lot of craziness going on right now! We are not experts on the coronavirus [...]
4 Hip Mobility Exercises for Increased Power in Your Golf Swing
Hip mobility could be one of the most important driving forces for power in the [...]
What Exercises Are Best For Golf?
In this post we will lay out a complete full body golf fitness-training program designed [...]
Build a More Powerful Golf Swing with These 5 Mobility Drills
If you’re looking to add more power to your golf swing, it all starts with [...]
5 Exercises Every Golf Needs To Be Doing
Our philosophy is simple: quality movement precedes quality training and performance. Movement efficiency is the [...]
This Makes Us Happy! A letter from a PFS Client
Dear Brandon, What have you done to me over the last 5 or so years? [...]
Move to Better Health and Performance at Premier Fitness Systems in Scottsdale, Arizona
At premier fitness systems we thinks a main cause of many people’s current poor [...]
5 Hip Mobility Exercises For More Athletic Movement
Do you have a job, a car, and a couch? Of course you do! Chances [...]
5 Reasons to start exercising after age 50
What are your dreams for aging gracefully? Do you believe that getting older has to [...]
Golf Fitness Exercises For The Golf Fanatic
One of the biggest issues we see with young golfers is their lack of intramuscular [...]
Mobility: The Missing Component In Your Fitness Routine
Lets first define what mobility is. Mobility is defined as the ability to move or [...]
What Can Be Accomplished with a Quality Approach and a Healthy Mindset
This is a really cool letter from a client. It is a testament to what [...]
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