Getting a Personalized Workout Plan from a Certified Trainer is Now Easier With Our Online Coaching Program
Whether your motivation to get up and move more feels nonexistent, you don’t know what [...]
Enter the Infrasternal Angle (ISA)
What do we have to actually measure the spine? Motion palpation of intervertebral segments? Multiple [...]
54 years Old! Healthy, Sexy and a Movement Ninja
“I am a 54 year old movement ninja” A Bad Back Left Katonna in Constant [...]
Why we all should train FUNCTIONALLY | What is on Greg’s Mind?
Too often in our industry, we see people who come in the studio in their [...]
Get Rid of Back and Shoulder Pain with 2 Basic Exercises
In the last couple years, I honestly can say I have grown more personally and [...]
DO Sweat the Small Stuff
When it comes to warm & fuzzy inspirational quotes about life, we are often told [...]